The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease

~Thomas Edison

101 West Church St

Suite 3, Ukiah CA

(707) 367-3278


Christine Miller DC

Low-Intensity Laser,

Acupressure &


Dr. Christine Miller DC

New Patient Forms.pdf

             - Transverse friction massage

             - Rolfing type therapy/fascial release

             - Passive stretching

            - Large/small ball techniques

            - Chair work

            - Floor work

            - Standing work

Therapeutic benefits of laser therapy:

Laser therapy is FDA-approved and highly effective in addressing acute and chronic pain from musculoskeletal problems to improving the function of cells that are weakened or sick.

Musculoskeletal problems include but are not limited to:

Is laser therapy effective?

Yes. There are thousands of published studies demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of laser therapy. Among these, there are more than one hundred rigorously controlled scientific studies that document the effectiveness of laser for many clinical conditions.

Are there any side effects associated with laser treatment?

No, there are not any side effects associated with laser treatment. Laser therapy is safe to use if you have a pace maker or if you have foreign materials from surgery.

What does a laser treatment feel like?

Laser therapy is not painful, in fact, many find it quite pleasant. Most patients report feeling a slight warming sensation since the laser uses an infrared wavelength. Others have reported feeling a tingling sensation - possibly from an increase in cellular energy output, or the increase in cell permeability.

Is there ever pain after a laser treatment?

Occasionally patients report an increase in pain after a treatment. This TEMPORARY increase may be due to an increase in localized blood flow, increased vascular activity, increased cellular activity or a number of other healing effects.

How will I feel after a laser treatment?

Some patients begin to feel relief after their 1st treatment. However, for others, it may take several treatments. This does NOT mean that nothing is happening. Each treatment is cumulative and results are often felt after 3 or 4 treatments.

Typical course of treatment and how long each treatment lasts

Depends on how many conditions are being treated, but most treatments are 30-55 minutes long. All conditions are different. As a guideline, most tendon and muscle problems require around six session if it has not become chronic, over a two week period. The more chronic the condition, the more treatments healing usually requires. Chronic conditions also benefit with an occasional “booster” shot of laser after the course of treatments have been finished.

Cumulative benefits are gained more effectively when sessions are scheduled 2-3 times per week at the beginning of the course of treatment. As condition improves, sessions are spaced out to 1 time a week.

How many laser treatments will I need to see an improvement in my condition?

1 to 30 with the average number 14

Should I use ice or pain relief gel after my laser treatment?

Ice for 20 to 25 minutes, as cold as you can tolerate it short of freezer burning your skin. Most people put a washcloth or too much material between ice and body which will be less effective.


Have you more faith in a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?

~ Dr. B.J. Palmer