The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease

~Thomas Edison

101 West Church St

Suite 3, Ukiah CA

(707) 367-3278


Christine Miller DC

Low-Intensity Laser,

Acupressure &


Dr. Christine Miller DC

New Patient Forms.pdf

Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live. ~ B.J. Palmer

Neck and Body Stretches

Neck Stretches

Rhomboid/Rotator Cuff/ Trapezius Stretch

Shoulder Elevation - Triceps Lats, Deltoid Stretches

Wrist, Hand and Finger Stretches

Quadriceps Stretches

Hamstring Stretches

Psoas/Hip Flexor Stretches

Full Back Sequence and Spine Stretch

Chest Stretch, Pectoralis and Deltoid Stretches

Hip Adductor/Groin Stretches

Calf, Lower Leg and Foot Stretches